Friday, December 30, 2011

How many people do you know? That. . . Live Pay Check to Pay Check

How many people do you know?
That. . . Live Pay Check to Pay Check,
Can not retire.   Worry “ What if I get sick?“
Will my children be able to go to college?

How many people do you know that just
flat out need extra income?

Many people just need money.
The Great Leaders of JJ’s Gang have made
the commitment to End 2011 in the black
and start 2012 in the black.

. . And the whole gang is coming with us.
We are the largest team in Ultamex and
we are going to explode…

$59 1x can make you $33K OVER & OVER!!!!
No Monthly, 
Free Website.
It’s the perfect price point and plan for
anyone that wants to earn.  We will all succeed.

At Utlamex ------- We are building a brick, everyone will fly through the Mex’s with Ultamex’s pumped up straightline plan and our teams unique strategy.  JJ”s Gang One A Day Challenge. it’s working!
Go take a look!!!

Gale Jones

Skype ID:  galejones

Social Media as we know it---Is About To Change -I Will get Paid to Socialize--Will You?

Social Media as we know it---Is About To Change 

Social Media as we know it---Is About To Change

11 Days to prepare for the largest startup EVER!
11 Days to get your team lined up, 11 Days to prepare
for total Success. 11 Days before the Social Media Venue
as we know it Changes Forever.

1.  Massive Social Media that pays you
2.  International Company from ~ Day 1
3.  Will Embellish, Empower and enrich
     your life---Regardless of age, background
     or economic ability.
4.   A Market that consist of 2.3 Billion Internet Users
5.   Website that is fully translated in 30 languages ~ Day 1 
6.   Cost to become member ranges from “FREE”
      to $149.  Amazing!  Opportunity to build a business
      with NO COST for first 6-MONTHS and still earn a commission.
7.   Business model can compliment any other business
8.   Major banks are behind us. We will be able to accept
     American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover Day 1
9.  Customized compensation plan.  This is the only plan
     of it’s type in the world. Compensates the part-timer or
     the professional networker
10. International Debit cards will be mailed to all
     members to be used for paying commissions.
11. The Company will provide full trainings to help those
     achieve desired PIN levels. Will have a full platform for
     training and have a fully trained support staf Day 1. 

We will change the face of Social Media forever! 
What we are about to do will help anyone who uses
social networks to keep in contact, introduce their business
or market a product.

11 Days, 11 Reasons will you be there?
Will you be prepared?
Join Me Today.
Be the 1st to get details and my link as they come in!

Gale Jones—
Skype Id: galejones

Social Media as we know it---Is About To Change - Classified Ad

Social Media as we know it---Is About To Change - Classified Ad

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zooming to Success

Just returned from Houston, Tx. where I had the awesome privilege of meeting the owners & founders of this AWESOME company, Zoom Mobile. George Burton is a young man with a huge dream & he is making it happen with the help of his beautiful wife Rebecca, & another incredible young man, Matt Davis. George & Rebecca are both Veterans & Rebecca is still active in the National Guard. Together they have developed the most awesome company & pay plan that I have ever had the privilege of being involved in!!!! Their passion for the success of each & every person that joins this company is unbelievable!! We get paid up to four different ways. They are paying out 100% in the Hybrid Uni-level pay plan!!! We get the chance to make up to $3000 per day in the Binary Pay plan!!! We can earn up to 64 paychecks a year!!!! We can earn bonuses. I think I could live with that!!!!! If you think you could live with that too, please contact me by going to my website Have a wonderful day, because God made this day just for YOU!!! BLESSINGS, Gale Jones

Monday, May 31, 2010


ZOOM MOBILE-HOME OF BRING ON 3, MAINTAIN 3 & YOUR CELL PHONE SERVICE IS F R E E ! ! ! NO CREDIT CHECKS, NO HIDDEN FEES, NO CONTRACTS, NO DEPOSITS Now, I know you must be wondering, WHO IN THE WORLD IS ZOOM MOBILE? WELL, ZOOM MOBILE Is A Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that provides nationwide Mobile Service Using Tier One Cell Phone Towers on the CDMA Network. ZOOM MOBILE'S business model uses direct to consumer sales, using the Home-Based business model-MLM, headquartered in Palm Harbor, Florida. ZOOM MOBILE IS VETERAN OWNED & OPERATED & PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. As an independent Associate with ZOOM MOBILE, you can earn 64 paychecks a year just by helping people save money on their cell phone service. You will benefit from our aggressive compensation plan, which pays out up to four different ways with a weekly Binary payout & a monthly Hybrid Uni-level payout, with monthly bonuses. Unsure what that means? Go to my website & watch the compensation video. Then email me at