Monday, May 31, 2010


ZOOM MOBILE-HOME OF BRING ON 3, MAINTAIN 3 & YOUR CELL PHONE SERVICE IS F R E E ! ! ! NO CREDIT CHECKS, NO HIDDEN FEES, NO CONTRACTS, NO DEPOSITS Now, I know you must be wondering, WHO IN THE WORLD IS ZOOM MOBILE? WELL, ZOOM MOBILE Is A Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that provides nationwide Mobile Service Using Tier One Cell Phone Towers on the CDMA Network. ZOOM MOBILE'S business model uses direct to consumer sales, using the Home-Based business model-MLM, headquartered in Palm Harbor, Florida. ZOOM MOBILE IS VETERAN OWNED & OPERATED & PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. As an independent Associate with ZOOM MOBILE, you can earn 64 paychecks a year just by helping people save money on their cell phone service. You will benefit from our aggressive compensation plan, which pays out up to four different ways with a weekly Binary payout & a monthly Hybrid Uni-level payout, with monthly bonuses. Unsure what that means? Go to my website & watch the compensation video. Then email me at

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